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This was one of my recent internships that I work in from August 25th to December 16th. Here are a Couple things I did while working there.

WordPress Page Design

This was a page that I worked on. I did not create the entire website, just a couple of pages from a template, I did do things like add color and arrange some elements, like the title & body. I also embedded some videos & put in text in the body of that page. using WordPress.


DUKE.AI Product Overview Page.png
Video Editing & Animation

I did use After Effects to animate the mouth movements, joint movements, and add text to the explainer videos. I used illustrator to actually draw the dog, as well as separate the joins to easily animate in After Effects. For video editing, I used a combination of iMovie & Adobe Premiere Pro. With Premiere Pro, I did have to line up the video with the audio, using stuff like cutting & using freeze frames.

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